01 Jun 2017 - Views

Bellamy Homes prides themselves in having strong experience in the construction of homes Equally important to those skills, is their high level of project management Our Project Manager orchestrates all facets of the construction process, from scheduling of the various trades, overseeing the budget, to ensuring that th...

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01 May 2017 - Views

Building a new home is a complex process, with many details While each home is unique, the overall building process follows the same stages As an experienced builder, our team is well-versed in what needs to be done and fully understand the sequence of events We think that it’s also valuable to explain our process to...

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01 Apr 2017 - Views

Home design is the first step to making your dream home a reality Les Bellamy, CEO of Bellamy Homes is the principal designer He has designed over 200 homes in the Okanagan Valley While each home is unique, the overall design process follows the same process The result is a full set of working construction documents an...

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