Project Management – Managing Expectations
Bellamy Homes prides themselves in having strong experience in the construction of homes. Equally important to those skills, is their high level of project management. Our Project Manager orchestrates all facets of the construction process, from scheduling of the various trades, overseeing the budget, to ensuring that the home completes on time.
A detailed construction schedule is written and followed for every build, with each trade scheduled days or weeks in advance of the actual work. Time is carefully allotted for completion of each trade’s contribution to your home. Expect some days during construction of your home when it appears as though nothing is happening. Sometimes one trade completes its work ahead of schedule. The next trade already has an assigned time slot, which usually cannot be changed on short notice. Progress also pauses while the home awaits building department inspections. This is part of the normal sequence of the construction schedule and occurs at several points in every home.
Maintaining quality is paramount. Each new home is a handcrafted product: part art; part science; part raw labour. Your home is built through the combined efforts of specialists in many trades. In order to ensure the highest possible standard of construction, only authorized suppliers, trade contractors, and Bellamy Homes’ employees are permitted to perform work in your home. All work is supervised to ensure it meets our high standards.
During the construction process, every home built experiences some days when it is not at its best. Homes under construction endure wind, rain, snow, foot traffic, and activities that generate noise, dust, and garbage. Material scraps are a by-product of the process. Although your new home is cleaned by each trade upon completion of their portion of the work, during your visits you will encounter some messy moments.
During a process that takes several months and involves dozens of people, from time to time an error occurs. We have systems and procedures for inspecting our homes to assure the level of quality meets our requirements. We may not see the error today, but we will see it tomorrow.
Suppliers and trade contractors have no authority to enter into agreements for Bellamy Homes. For your protection and theirs, the terms of our trade contractor agreements prohibit alterations without written authorization from Bellamy Homes. Their failure to comply with this procedure can result in termination of their contract. Please do not ask the tradespeople directly to make alterations. We respect your interest and appreciate your attachment to your new home. However, to avoid duplication of efforts, confusion, misunderstandings, or compounding errors, we ask that you either email or call the Project Manager directly with any concerns.
Past experience has shown that the orientation is most beneficial when buyers are able to focus all their attention on their new home and the information we present. Although we appreciate that friends and relatives are anxious to see your new home, it would be best if they visit at another time. Similarly, we suggest that, if possible, children and pets not accompany you at this time.
Bellamy Homes has an outstanding reputation for accurate construction schedules. However, until we reach a point in construction where factors outside our control can no longer affect the completion date, the decision to book your moving truck or give notice on your rental is at best a gamble. We will keep you well informed of the construction schedule and will let you know a minimum of two months in advance of the confirmed possession date. For your protection and ours, you may not place any goods, equipment, or furnishings in the home or on the property, prior to your possession.