Case Study
Think Space
Some would call this our office, but we prefer to call it our ‘Think Space’!
We created this office space to be both inspiring and efficient for our staff, but more importantly, it had to be inviting and comfortable for our clients. We were drawn to an edgy, industrial feel, where we could be stimulated in our design work and yet have some of the comforts of home for those extended work days!
This space is important to the success of our custom home building business. This is where we get to know our clients, talk about their hopes and dreams for their new home. We serve coffee, talk about common interests and tell them about our company values. We explain the design and construction process so that they have a better understanding of how we will proceed.
The board-room table is actually an attractive glass dining table. This is where we show photos of our work and perhaps bring out some floorplans and drawings that are relevant to their project.
The inner workings of the office are designed and built to be productive, with everything right at our fingertips. Multiple workstations, comfortable chairs, plenty of natural light and a cool industrial ambience makes for an amazing work space.
Our clients appreciate our effort and that they can see firsthand, how we work day-to-day. The layout enables an organized and professional operation. The materials and finishes encourage a positive attitude. Although custom home design is our focus, we’re really proud of this office design!
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